Friday, October 31, 2014

Trilateral Commission Meeting Belgrade | InSerbia News (And You Thought This Was Just A Conspiracy Theory!)

Conspiracy theory?!  Think again!  This insightful article portrays some of the facets of the global power brokers who do determine the direction of governments, economies and commerce - our lives. 

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Secularism Grows as More U.S. Christians Turn ‘churchless’ |

Mercy Gate International (church, different) exists to reach beyond the confines of the four-walls of the Church to reach, care for, engage and connect with the very ones whom Christ would be reaching if He were walking the Earth today.  
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The Roots of the Islamic State's Appeal | Brookings Institute

Prices Soar For Some Generic Drugs! Why?

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Starbucks Claims 90% Mobile Payments Market Share

The Atlantic: The Roots of the Islamic State's Appeal (Co-Existence Not Possible)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Middle East Meltdown - True Reason For Rise Of Islamic State

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NATO says it 'remains vigilant' over Russian warplane activity in Europe airspace | GlobalPost

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Terror alert: US steps up security at govt buildings over attack threats — RT USA

London on high alert for terrorism; threat level 'severe' | National & World News | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

The Pope's Embrace Of Evolution Brings Us One Step Closer To A One World Religion

US Representative in Rome to Push for 'Global Covenant of World Religions'

Rising Eastern Empire: The Eurasian Union - Standart News

Vladimir Putin’s Eurasian Economic Union gets ready to take on the world | World news | The Guardian

Coming Next Fall: More Chip and PIN Cards in the U.S. - US News

Obama: Chip-And-PIN Is New Standard For Federal Payments |

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Economic history: When did globalisation start? | The Economist

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Islamist Leader Kamal Khatib: Jerusalem Will Be Caliphate Capital

Islamist Leader Kamal Khatib: Jerusalem Will Be Caliphate Capital

A very brief video that reveals the sentiments of Islam concerning global governance and domination.

Remember the Promises of God spoken through the Prophet Joel:  "In the 'last days,' God says, 'I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh . . ." 

This refers to a global awakening and revival that is already underway with millions receiving the supernatural, New Birth through faith in Christ Jesus each and every day.

This global awakening is not only accompanied by New Births / Salvations, but also by miracles, signs and wonders including people raised from the dead, blinded eyes opening, lame walking, lepers cleansed, demons cast out. 

Jehovah is not advancing His Kingdom through military campaigns or an insistence that mankind come under submission.  Instead, He is lovingly wooing hungry and hurting hearts by His Spirit and giving them absolute freedom and liberty spirit, soul, mind and body.

In the Millennial Reign, not violence or oppression will reign, but holiness, love, peace and tranquility will under His liberating Lordship and rule. 

Want to know more about Who Christ is?  Begin with reading about the authentic love of God, the Father, in the Gospel of John as Christ, His Son, reveals the Father through His every word and deed. 

To read the Gospel of John online, you can visit: or CNN Poll: Voters Are Angry

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Jewish Shia LaBeouf Converts to Christianity with Brad Pitt's Help After 'Finding God' Filming Fury

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Sen. Kirk Holds Hearing - ISIS Terror Threat in Chicago |

It may be wise to plan and prepare for unrest in Chicago whether it is initiated through terrorism or civil unrest and protest that goes awry.  

You may want to consider some of the following:
    1.  Map out an exit route from the City and suburbs other than interstate highways
    2.  Subscribe to breaking news alerts from government and news agencies on Twitter
    3.  Keep a couple of 5-gallon gas cans filled, ready for transport according to government standards
    4.  Have extra food and water on hand
    5.  Obtain alternate means of heating your home
    6.  Obtain solar-powered battery charger for your cell phone
The Bible is clear about us not having to fear.  He tells us the future, before it unfolds so that we can be alert, watching and waiting - especially for His Return.

Monday, October 27, 2014

New York Post: Ex-CBS Reporter's Book Reveals How Media Protects President From Negativity

Ex-CBS reporter's book reveals how liberal media protects Obama

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Did The UN Just Pass The Global Patriot Act? | Global Research

Retailers are disabling NFC readers to shut out Apple Pay | The Verge

Biometric Palm Scans For Health Records

How biometric palm scans help keep hospitals secure

Whether this is a precursor to the Mark of the Beast or not, specifically, it is a trend that is leading to biometrics or micro-chipping of humans for identification and data storage/access in healthcare, commerce, travel, etc. If I am wrong, nothing lost.  If I am right, we are seeing the fulfilling of Bible Prophecy and are nearing Christ's Return.
There really is no down-side to Christ's Return for the Christian.  We must be about the Father's 'business' and love them in while there is time.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

MasterCard, Zwipe Team To Roll Out First-Ever Biometric Contactless Payment Card | Mobile Payments Today

The purpose of this blog, in part, is to follow trends in the news that indicate steps being taken to move all commerce to a cashless, chipped system that is the precursor to the Mark of the Beast.  Articles such as this one in 'Mobile Payments Today' lend credence to that thought.  Remember, there is NO down-side to believing in Christ's imminent Return.  I could be wrong:  but, then again, I might be right.  Think about it . . .

Five trends in mobile payments worldwide in 2014 | Mobile Payments Today

There is a global preparation for a new reserve currency, an easing of intercontinental commerce and trade and a move to a cashless, micro-chipped currency that will also contain health and other pertinent, personal data.  This will solve many ills such as international travel, governmental benefits fraud, taxes, etc.  And, it is the system to be used by the Antichrist - the Mark of the Beast.  If I am wrong, nothing lost.  If I am right, let us live to advance the Good News of the Kingdom while it is still day.  Christ's Return is imminent.  Food for Thought . . . 

Epidemic of Plague and Pestilence Takes Hold Across the World - Charlotte Conservative |

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. Matthew 24: 6-12

The Mark: Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not Optional”

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cheaper Oil: Both Symptom and Balm | The Economist

Until a few years ago, all oil business among the nations was transacted with 'petrol-dollars' using the US Dollar exclusively.  More OPEC countries are opting to trade in other currencies such as the Chinese Yuan. 

USA Today Runs Op-Ed 'Beware The Christian Extremists' More Dangerous Than Terrorists!

Targeting Cancer Cells | The World Economic Forum

A Cornell University research scientist has revealed clear data that can help battle/prevent cancer with nutrition - a discovery quite despised by the pharmaceutical industry.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bridge Day 2014! From Our Hometown in West Virginia

Nine Real Technologies That Will Soon Be Inside You - Yahoo!7

I have suggested that the coming Mark of the Beast could be based on biometrics being preceded by a move toward cashless commerce or crypto-currency utilizing the iBeacon and similar NFC technology.

Move over iBeacon, Philips GPS-like lights pinpoint you indoors to within a 1m

Apple's iBeacon technology for cashless, smartphone commerce has been said to have indoor capabilities that could, in theory, lead you to specific products in a store and permit checkout from anywhere within the store. NFC Technology means a customer must be within inches of the checkout.  Interesting article.

Imminent Threat: HAARP Status Is Now At Maximum Alert Level | Neon Nettle

HAARP is the program deals with ionospheric research, studying the atmosphere level using high-frequency radio waves in order to help develop communications and surveillance. It is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the University of Alaska, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Airforce.

Rising Eastern Empire: The Eurasian Union - Standart News

Groups such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have stated, publicly, that they exist to throw off the monopoly of the West.  Russia and China are vying for a new, global reserve currency to rival and replace the US Dollar.

Ancient Prophecies of Apocalypse Rally Islamic State Jihadists - Link shared via

Ancient Prophecies of Apocalypse Rally Islamic State Jihadists
An infidel horde flying 80 banners meets a Muslim army at the Syrian town of Dabiq in an apocalyptic battle. The Muslims are decimated but ultimately prevail, ushering in the end of days.

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Islam teaches that their messiah's return, the 12th Imam or the Mahdi, will be hastened by an
all-out effort to incite hysteria, terror and unrest.

The Jews are also awaiting Messiah and the Christian Church is looking for the imminent
Return of Christ. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Antichrist and the Muslim Mahdi (Part 2)

In the conclusion of his 2-part series, Michael Youssef looks at the striking parallels between the Antichrist and Islam's Mahdi (savior).

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Bilderberger Henry Kissinger Wants World Army to Fight Terrorists

Henry Kissinger, Bilderberg kingpin and architect of overthrowing democratically elected governments, is keen to establish a global mercenary army to fight terrorists, according to Fox News.

The global, one-world-government architects (see Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, etc.) have been planning for a united, global government at the expense of national sovereignty.

UK Bonds Sold In China's Currency

There is an aggressive effort in play to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency.  This is an indication of the progress the Yuan is making in becoming that preferred currency.

The Antichrist and the Muslim Mahdi (Part 1)

As troubling world events unfold, we need to see them not only through the camera's lens, but also through the lens of biblical revelation.

ECB President Mario Draghi: Without Reform There Can Be No Recovery

Mario Draghi is one of the most powerful men in the world.  His name means 'dragon.' 

Obama to announce micro-chip benefit cards Friday - Washington Times

I see us moving toward a cashless monetary system utilizing micro-chip cards, to begin with. It could lead to micro-chip implanting that would solve travel issues, health care tracking, even border security.  This move by the government is the next stage and step in the healthcare plan that will also facility 'marking' every citizen causing men to become more comfortable with accepting what will be the Mark of the Beast.

For the Christian who is living for Christ's imminent return, we will never witness the complete deployment of this last steps.  -  FS

New MasterCard With Biometric Technology - NFC Credit Card - Technology News - redOrbit

In my opinion, this is evidence of a move toward cashless commerce using biometrics and microchipping that paves the way for  mankind to accept the Mark of the Beast.

RFID Journal - Tracking Nuclear Containers Using UHF Tags

French Nuclear Plant Service Provider Tracks Containers Via RFID
SPIE Nucléaire is using handheld readers to record the locations and conditions of equipment containers that it has fitted with passive UHF tags.

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Iran Appears to Fight Islamic State, But Are Their Ultimate Goals Too Similar For Comfort? - Crossmap Christian News | World

Temple Institute Raises $100k for 3rd Temple Plan - Inside Israel - News - Arutz Sheva

ALERT!  One of the most poignant, convincing signs and Bible prophecy fulfillment pointing to Christ's imminent return!

There is no down-side to believing in Christ's imminent return. If one ever anticipates meeting Christ face-to-face, then His return should be welcomed and anticipated whenever that time might be. - FS

RFID Journal - Macy's Expands It's RFID Beacon Deployments

Macy's Expands RFID and Beacon Deployments
The retailer has begun tagging fashion garments at its Macy's and Bloomingdale's stores, to help make sure the merchandise is on the sales floor and to reduce the need for markdowns.

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Another piece of the move to cashless commerce puzzle.  This new technology could replace cash and bring many cash/money crimes to an end. 

Popular U.S. Dollar Is Super-Overbought | Seeking Alpha

Chinese Yuan Penetrates African Markets | Sierra Express Media

China, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are moving forward with their plans and efforts to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency with the Yuan. - FS

World Bank: Development Partners Support Creation of Global Financing Facility to Advance Women’s and Children’s Health

Development Partners Support the Creation of Global Financing Facility to Advance Women's and Children's Health
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© 2011 The World Bank Group. Go to: to find out about development projects, data, news, research, and more.

U.S. Campaigns Against China’s Plan for International Bank That Could Rival World Bank - AllGov - News

The Nations in the East/Far East are eager to throw off the monopoly of the United States. Organizations such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization represent the largest population and trading blocs in the world.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Mystery of the Shemitah Revealed

The new best-seller from Jonathan Cahn introduced "Shemitah" to millions of Americans' vocabularies. But what does the word really mean, and why is it so important right now?

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