Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fed Borrows Nearly $5 Billion Per Day

CBO: Feds Borrowing $4.8 billion Per Day in FY 2013, So Far | CNS News Mobile
After following global market and economy trends for years, I have developed the conviction that the goal, for some, is to run our economy over the fiscal cliff. 
The compromises that stalemated the parties and the White House, are not worth collapsing our economy and driving us over the cliff.  However, it is my conviction that, for some, that is the goal.  I believe it is an intentional effort to force a crisis that leads to a restructuring of powers, currency and national sovereignty - to name a few.
I also believe that 'they' may very well be successful because the real 'culprits' are obscured by the great national passions rising from the auxiliary issues of austerity, etc.  It is kind of like the old saying, 'cutting your nose off to spite your face.'  The smoke of rhetoric rises to obscure something besides the issues being fought in public.  We will want to look beyond the smoke screen to see what, if anything, really is there.

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